
ZP MOTORI ELETTRICI was born in 1978 from the long experience acquired both abroad and in Italy by the hard-working ZADRA ANGELO, who over the years transfers his knowledge to his family.

Since 2003 the company has been proposing itself with a new headquarters and considerable other investments aimed at giving adequate answers to its interlocutors, both in terms of delivery times and specificity.

It is precisely because of its attention to satisfy even the most particular needs that over the years the "ZP" has been equipped with a slender structure capable of satisfying production needs autonomously with a department dedicated to the machining of machine tools and one relating to motor assembly.

In 2002 the company was certified UNI EN ISO 9001 - Ed 2000 with the SGS body that certifies the quality of the production process.


The new test room is equipped with 2 brake benches respectively for motors up to 6 kW and for motors up to 30 kW. It allows to perform tests on single-phase motors, three-phase motors, inverter-driven motors (checking the performance of both motor and inverter) and permanent magnet motors.

They can be performed:

  • Load tests
  • No load tests
  • Locked rotor tests
  • Mechanical characteristic acquisition
  • Efficiency verification according to high efficiency standards such as IEC60034-2-1

Ansys Motor-CAD

The company has recently been equipped with the ANSYS Motor-CAD software that allows the study of the motor performance, both in electromagnetic and thermal terms, already in the design/preventive phase.

Through a combination of numerical and analytical techniques, it allows a rapid but accurate analysis of the entire operating range of the motor.